Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving With the Dunmyer's

Thanksgiving Dinner.
Big kid's table
Little kid's table
Story time with cousins
John Bryan State Park
Wii Resort

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Hiking in Ohio ~ John Bryan State Park

We really enjoyed this park.
What a great place to take the kids and get some fresh air. 

Old trusty sweater from 1997

Gabe took Dylan on a "guy's hike" on some nearby trails. 

I just had to add these cute pics...

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Moving to Ohio

Our trip from San Antonio up to Dayton took 3 days.
 Sometimes you need to just pull over and let your kids run.
 Here we are in a park in Kansas. This is where Gabe lost his keys while wrestling with the boys. Thankfully Dylan found them :-)
We stopped at a pumpkin patch in Missouri. They had a corn maze (it was a little muddy) and the pumpkins had been picked over but it was a really cute farm. 

This is what happens when you decide last minute to take your kids trick or treating. This is all that was left at the local Wal Mart. As you can see Ryan is fire up about this Wow Wow Wubzy costume (insert sarcasm). He was mad all the up until he saw candy land into his bag. 
Neighborhood in St. Louis, MO
We continued on Dayton, OH the next morning.

We were happy to see the sign as we entered our new home state.