Friday, July 22, 2011

Joy Wedding

In July I flew back to the states to celebrate the wedding of my dearest friend Tristan and longtime friend Wayne. I arrived in D.C. where I met up with Laura. We made, what ended up to be, a 9 hour drive to Bowerton, OH and arrived just in time for the rehearsal dinner. On the way we saw Amish people...Laura was stoked! We didn't take their picture, even though we desperately wanted to. The dinner was great...all authentic traditional Amish food complete with their incredible homemade pies :p

The wedding was absolutely beautiful! Makes me want a "Do over"! Her family was very sweet and made Laura and I feel so welcome. We just wanted to do whatever we could to make this day the best it could be for the lovely couple.

Here are some the photos we was very hot so we did our best to get what we could and send them down to enjoy the reception.

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