Funny, I book this trip and to many people 5 weeks is a ridiculous amount of time to stay in someone else's home. What is the saying..."Fish and guests...begin to smell after 3 days". Well, I've spent weeks and a few times, months with my sister and her family before (usually when we're moving) and we still tear up when it's time to say good-bye. Our husband's understand that it's just the way it is. I'm coming to visit, kids in tow, all my luggage, in the past with loads of baby gear, a few dog and we're going to stay. We're going to laugh...a lot...and we're going to probably get on your nerves with our ridiculous behavior and crazy ideas of a good time. But when you don't live near your best friend you attempt to cram in as many good times as you can into the time you have.
So, here we go again...5 weeks of summer fun! We're already planning some of the things we're going to do....
1. Go to the beach
2. Spend time at Bob's parent's condo in North Carolina
3. Williamsburg
4. Trip to Connecticut to see the in-laws (more beach time)
5. Eat our way through D.C.
Here is my list...
1. Go to Target
2. Eat at Chick-fil-A
3. Go to the Mall...hitting a Macy's sale...see stores I recognize
4. Eat at Chipotle

6. Go to an outlet mall or two
7. Buy a soda/bottle of water from a machine
8. Drink a fountain soda WITH ice
9.Walk around Michael's and Hobby Lobby
10. Drive on a street with a shoulder

12. Watch television (maybe even cable), use DVR, watch a show the day/time it airs
13. Shop at a grocery store where I can double my coupon
14. Get a free refill at a restaurant
15. Troll Craigslist I sound like a big complainer but I swear that's not the case. I do really enjoy it here (most of the time) and you can't beat the travel but if you ask many of many of my American friend's what they miss about the States they will have a list similar to this one. It is human nature to want what you're used to because it's what makes us feel comfortable. Living overseas you have to learn to conform to many things you're not used to. The way we live isn't necessarily the right way or the way everyone else lives. I was explaining to Laura yesterday that in Germany is is not expected that you say "Excuse me". People just shuffle around and maneuver around without saying anything and no one is offended if you just simply give them a look and walk in front of them. Also, they do not generally form lines. This is anywhere...the airport, the bakery, the reception desk. You have to learn to just simply say "I'm next." Germans also treat Sunday's as a day of rest. You are not going to mow your lawn on Sunday just because it is convenient for you. You also can't wash your car in the driveway. You must bring it to the car wash (now on a street with mostly Americans we can get away with washing it if we really wanted to). EVERY Saturday you are supposed to go out and sweep your driveway, front walk or sidewalk. I believe it's the law. These are just some of the examples of cultural differences I've observed since being here. They aren't wrong just different. I will do my best to conform while I'm here because I don't want to be "The Ugly American" as we are often referred and I don't mind feeling a little uncomfortable if that means I get to live overseas and experience all that Europe has to offer but I also look forward to the comforts of home...even if it is for "just 5 weeks" :-)
Target was AWESOME! And I ate at Chick Fil A 5 times. :)
ReplyDeleteso does this mean i need to get my fill of all these places before we leave for Germany! lol I am taking notes :-)
ReplyDeleteYes!...LOL!! Well, I hate to admit that I miss anything about The States because I REALLY REALLY wanted to come here. We tried for over 10 years to get this assignment. I couldn't wait to experience Europe and turn my nose up at American culture but I find myself missing little things about home. It's mostly American convenience. For the most part, though, I've been enjoying my time here and you will too :-)
ReplyDelete(Amazon helps...hehehe!)
Oh Target, how I miss thee!! And Chipotle! And Hobby Lobby! And Chi-fil-a! *sigh* Did you know London and now Paris have a Chipotle? I cried when I ate Chipotle in London. I haven't been back to the states in over 3 years now, so Chipotle reminded me of home and how I much I really do miss it despite telling myself I don't :)
ReplyDeleteAlso do you live near Kaiserslautern? If so I found an awesome outlet mall a few weeks ago! It seriously looks like america and has awesome stores!!
Oh no! Chiplote and Target... I am going to miss them so much!!