Thursday, March 24, 2011

Scooters...Loads of fun for $29.95

After I dropped off Gabe at work and Dylan at school, Ryan and I headed to the gym. With a little luck and an airman I found the South gym....the only gym that has an area for parents with children. I walked into to what Gabe referred to as "The Broom Closet", handed Ryan the iPhone so he could watch "Sponge Bob" and got a nice run in. I forgot that the military no longer has a towel service so I had to wipe the sweat with a paper towel but lesson learned and I'll remember to bring one next time.

For lunch Ryan and I hit the KMCC and had a hot dog at Frank's Franks. I didn't know there was such thing as a taco dog or a pizza dog but I do now. We went with a standard dog (mine with kraut of course). We went to the BX and purchased 2 Razor Scooters, some Legos and met a nice monkey...

Then we decided to take a drive out to hopes of finding a random American walking around full of information on the neighborhood and a "who's moving out" update. We didn't see anybody but I did find the village (with help from my GPS) and our way home so that was good. Ryan fell asleep before we got to the park so we took an hour long nap in the 2 cats in the was great. When we woke up we hit the park for about 45 minutes where I happened to meet 2 ladies who did have some info on a house that was coming available. They took my info...we'll see.

We picked up Dylan from school, went back to the house, set up the scooters and went outside to enjoy the great weather.

 And I think I should just add that this may be the best $6 bottle of wine I've ever had...

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